Ted's Homepage

Fun !Take a Lesson !

This site is provided by Ted Amenta, Breckenridge Ski School ski instructor,
available for private ski instruction upon request.

These are notes I took during my PADI Advanced Scuba Diver course on using the Recreational Dive Planner Wheel.

Planning a Single Depth Dive

1. What is the no-decompression limit for a dive to 45 feet?

2. What is the no-decompression limit for a dive to 100 feet?

3. What is the no-decompression limit for a dive to 67 feet?

4. What is the no-decompression limit for a dive to 20 feet?


Finding Your Pressure Group After a Dive

1. What is your pressure group after a dive to 65 feet for 30 minutes?

2. What is your pressure group after a dive to 56 feet for 24 minutes?


Finding Your Pressure Group After a Surface Interval

1. You surface from a dive as a pressure group G diver. What is your new pressure group after a 1-hour and 30-minute surface interval?

2. You surface from a dive as a pressure group P diver. What is your new pressure group after a 49-minute surface interval?

3. You surface from a dive as a pressure group S diver. What is your new pressure group after a 5-minute surface interval?


Planning Repetitive Dives

1. After your surface interval you are in pressure group E. You want to plan another dive, this time to 60 feet. What is your NDL for this dive?

2. You plan your first dive of the day to 60 feet for 40 minutes. Then you plan a 1-hour surface interval, followed by another dive to 60 feet. What is you NDL for the second dive?

3. You are planning a series of dives. The first is to a depth of 60 feet for 44 minutes. After a 30-minute surface interval you plan to return to 50 feet for 25 minutes. You then plan a 48 minute surface interval followed by another dive to 40 feet for 25 minutes. What will your pressure group designation be at the end of the third dive?


Finding Your Minimum Surface Interval

1. What is the minimum surface interval required between a dive to 90 feet for 19 minutes followed by a dive to 60 feet for 40 minutes?

2. What is the minimum surface interval required between a dive to 70 feet for 30 minutes followed by a dive to 50 feet for 40 minutes?

3. What is the minimum surface interval required between a dive to 90 feet for 20 minutes followed by a dive to 55 feet for 45 minutes?

4. What is the minimum surface interval required between a dive to 95 feet for 19 minutes followed by a dive to 60 feet for 25 minutes?


Planning Multilevel Dives

1. If you plan a multilevel dive to a depth of 90 feet, what is the maximum allowable depth for the second portion of your dive?

2. You plan a multilevel dive, beginning at a depth of 100 feet. You plan to stay at 100 feet for 9 minutes, then ascend to 45 feet for 30 minutes.

A. According to the yellow boxes, can you make a multilevel dive to 100 feet, then ascend to the 45-foot level?

B. What is your no-decompression limit for the first level (100 feet)?

C. What is your pressure group after 9 minutes at 100 feet?

D. What is your new no-decompression limit at your next level (45 feet)?

E. You plan to stay 30 minutes at 45 feet. What will your new pressure group be upon surfacing?

3. You plan a multilevel dive, beginning at a depth of 105 feet. You plan to stay at 105 feet for 9 minutes, then ascend to 70 feet for an additional 15 minutes. What will you pressure group be upon surfacing?

4. You plan a multilevel dive, beginning at a depth of 120 feet. You plan to stay at 120 feet for 10 minutes, then ascend to 60 feet for 15 minutes. You then plan to ascend to 35 feet for 30 minutes. What will you pressure group be upon surfacing?


Planning a Single Depth Dive

1. 100 minutes
2. 20 minutes
3. 40 minutes
4. 205 minutes

Finding Your Pressure Group After a Dive

1. Pressure Group N
2. Pressure Group I

Finding Your Pressure Group After a Surface Interval

1. Pressure Group B
2. Pressure Group G
3. Pressure Group R

Planning Repetitive Dives

1. 38 Minutes
2. 36 Minutes
3. Pressure Group Q

Finding Your Minimum Surface Interval

1. 1 Hour and 2 Minutes
2. 15 Minutes
3. 49 Minutes
4. 10 Minutes

Planning Multilevel Dives

1. 60 feet
2a. Yes
2b. 20 minutes
2c. Pressure Group D
2d. 68 Minutes
2e. Pressure Group O
3. Pressure Group O
4. Pressure Group T

Ted's Homepage

Fun !Take a Lesson !

This site is provided by Ted Amenta, Breckenridge Ski School ski instructor,
available for private ski instruction upon request.

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Amenta Internet Services
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