Internal Revenue Code 1031 (IRC 1031)
Often investors do not realize taxation on a personal residence is far different than taxation on an income or investment property. Under Internal Revenue Code 1031 (IRC 1031), homeowners are allowed up to six months to reinvest in their next home. As long as the new home is of equal or greater value as the relinquished property, there will be no recognition of capital gain.
If an investor sells property they pay tax. Taxes are paid on capital gain, not equity or profit. However, property that qualifies for preferential treatment under Internal Revenue Code Section 1031 (IRC 1031) is treated quite differently.
Internal Revenue Code 1031 (IRC 1031) : "No gain or loss shall be recognized if property held for productive use in a trade or business or for investment purposes is exchanged solely for property of a "like-kind."
The benefits of exchanging include using leverage to maximize your investment dollars to property diversification to allow you the widest range of investment freedom. 1031 Tax Deferral can range anywhere from a simple swap of two properties to a complex, multi-leg, multi-property transaction involving a delayed, reverse or construction exchange. The investment strategy and the nature of the transaction will decide which exchange best suits your needs.
Imagine selling rental property or land, acquiring new real estate of any type and not paying one dime in capital gain taxes. Thousands of investors are profiting every day simply by using the tax deferred sale (U.S. Tax Code 1031).
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